
Sanctification Survey

Sanctification Survey

All survey demographics and data can be found here. We received 516 responses. Below are some key biblical explanations

Question 9 – When I die I will go to heaven?

When you are confident in your salvation you can know you will go to heaven! You are saved from your sins by faith alone in the forgiveness provided by Jesus’ death on the cross (Ephesians 2:8-9).

Question 10 – I can lose my salvation due to:

Salvation is by faith alone (Ephesians 2:8-9; Romans 3:19-26) and cannot be lost (2 Peter 1:4-5; John 10:27-30; Romans 8:28-39). When we believe, we are irrevocably changed into new people by the Holy Spirit who regenerates us (Romans 6:2-9; Titus 3:5). Further, the Spirit seals us until Christ’s coming (Ephesians 1:13-14).

Question 11 – Are there any sins you can commit that Christ’s death on the cross was not sufficient to cover?

Christ is a sufficient sacrifice for our sins as He is perfect, holy and without sin (Romans 3:25, Hebrews 7:26; 2 Corinthians 5:21). Therefore, Christ was a sufficient sacrifice to satisfy God’s judgment. Accordingly, He died once for all sin, for all time. (Hebrews 6:1-14; Hebrews 10:10-18). There is no sin so horrendous for which Christ’s precious sacrifice did not atone. Once we believe that Christ’s sacrifice was for our sins, we are secure in our position before God.

Question 12 – After His resurrection and ascension, Christ sat down at the right hand of God.  What does this signify?

Christ’s glorious ascension to heaven and sitting down at the right hand of God the Father indicates He had finished His work of salvation to cover all our sins once and for all (Ephesians 2:6; Hebrews 10-14). Graciously, we sit at his right hand and the work of salvation is finished and our lives as well.

Questions 13 and 14 – As a Christian what should your attitude be when you commit a sin and how does sin affect our prayers?

Our biblical response to sin should be the following:

Christ’s wonderful sacrifice for us was sufficient to cover all our sins. As Hebrews 10 notes, Christ’s death on the cross ripped the veil of the Jewish temple so we could have free access to him in prayer always through Him, our merciful high priest. Only we ourselves can impede our approach to God. He wants us to simply serve Him and obey.

Note – In Romans 6 we are a new person in Christ and based on this we are able to resist sin, and should obey.

Questions 15 and 16 – As Christians, how should we act and how often?

Acts 2:42 and 47 describe the activities involved in the Christian walk within the early church. They are repeated throughout the Epistles. At Teleios we designate them the ‘5 tools to maturity’. These activities most easily can be summarized as: praise, prayer, fellowship, outreach and Bible study.

We hope the results were interesting and the biblical answers informative.

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