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We will be covering what the Bible says about the Spirit, based on the true word of God. The general structure of scripture’s teaching about the Spirit for the New Testament church, falls in three basic areas:

  • The Spirit’s role in salvation
  • The Spirit’s role in our Christian walk
  • The Christian’s duties to the Spirit









I have been working with Teleios since November 2023 Offering technical support services to Teleios brings me unmeasurable joy and fulfilment. Teleios has allowed me to contribute to the kingdom’s advancement through technical support. Materials shared on this platform are also edifying and very informative. For instance, while working on the Who is Christ page, I couldn’t help but refresh my mind on who Christ is indeed. Glory to God!



Common FAQs

How do I become a Christian?

Believe on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and the provision of eternal life. Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 10:9-10, Romans 3:21-26  Learn more


Is my salvation secure?

For a born-again Christian who has believed by faith alone in Christ’s death and resurrection for their salvation, yes, your salvation is secure. 1 Thessalonians 1:5-7, 1 Peter 1:4-5, Romans 8:28-39 – Learn more


As a Christian do I have the Holy Spirit?

Yes, a born-again believer has permanent indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:9, 2 Corinthians 1:22, 2 Corinthians 5:5 – Learn more


Why do I feel guilty?

You should not feel guilty! For a born-again Christian there is no verse in the Bible that says that we should suffer guilt. Christ’s sacrifice was completely sufficient to forgive you of all your sins past, present and future. Ephesians 1:4-5, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 3:23-26 – Learn more


How do I learn scripture?

Scripture is best learned by a combination of verse-by-verse study and studying the major themes of scripture. Teleios can help you. Ephesians 6:17, Galatians 5:22-23, 1 John 2:27 – Learn more 


How do I live a Christian life?

By being obedient to the commands in the Apostolic letters of the Bible, starting with the book of Romans through Revelation 3, and by incorporating the five tools to maturity, prayer, praise, fellowship, outreach, and learning scripture. Acts 2:42-7, John 14:13-14, Hebrews 13:15 – Learn more


Dr. and Mrs. Stewart are not trained theologians, pastors, psychiatrists or psychologists. Please contact appropriate medical, spiritual or psychological professional help as needed. For any specific question, Teleios suggests you contact experts in that field and/or do your own research into the scriptures or the field specific to your question. Teleios provides this website and its content as information only, and it is intended for visitors over 18 years. No content on the website should be taken as advice or recommendation to any personal or institutional situation. Both the website and the content are subject to change at any time without notice. Although we endeavor to ensure that the website and the content are current and accurate, it may contain errors. We do not represent that the website or the content is current, accurate or complete, or appropriate for your specific requirements. Teleios, Inc. does not accept any liability from any person or institution for the website or the content (or the use of such content) we provide. This website disclaimer overrides any disclaimer on Teleios teaching videos.


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Know the Gospel

Believe these 4 simple truths and know you have salvation!

1. Man sinned.

2. God is just, requiring a punishment for sin.

3. But out of love God sent His Son, Jesus Christ who by dying on the cross, provided forgiveness of sins in taking man’s deserved punishment.

4. Therefore, by faith alone in Christ’s sacrifice for our sins and belief in His resurrection, man can gain eternal life.

Ephesians 2:8-9Romans 10:9-10; and 3:21-26



New Believers

Now that you believe, what to do next? Incorporate these in your daily life to strengthen your relationship with Jesus!

1. Prayer– Talk to God through a request for help or expression of thanks. Make time to be quiet and direct your thoughts to God.

2. Praise– Speak in admiration of God. Tell others about God’s goodness in your life.

3. Study scripture– Learn the Bible. Start with the first chapter of Ephesians. Learn the inductive method of Bible study. Find a trusted mentor to teach you.

4. Fellowship– Get together with like-minded believers. Find a Bible believing church and find someone who will encourage you and promote obedience to God.

5. Outreach– Tell someone else the good news about salvation through Christ. Identify someone you know who needs to hear the good news. Make a plan to talk to them.

Learn about each of these 5 important steps – Tools to Maturity



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