
Please consider donating to support Teleios and help their mission – bringing Christ to the world!

Contributions are deductible to the donor’s federal income tax return and used 100% towards Bible based research and education. Help us today! https://www.givesendgo.com/teleios

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Your donation will help fund:

  • Bible Study Program – we have engaged 85+ young adults from all around the world with a personal Bible study.
  • Teleios U – we produce educational videos providing verse by verse Bible teaching and also major themes in scripture.
  • Internships – we give college students an opportunity to work in ministry while they also receive training through a personal Bible study.
  • Research – we use scientific methods to demonstrate the positive impact of scripture on people’s wellbeing and societal benefits of Christianity in general.
  • Grants – we provide financial grants to supports Christian missions worldwide who prioritize the explicit sharing of the plan of salvation and/or directly teaching the Bible.


Dr. and Mrs. Stewart are not trained theologians, pastors, psychiatrists or psychologists. Please contact appropriate medical, spiritual or psychological professional help as needed. For any specific question, Teleios suggests you contact experts in that field and/or do your own research into the scriptures or the field specific to your question. Teleios provides this website and its content as information only, and it is intended for visitors over 18 years. No content on the website should be taken as advice or recommendation to any personal or institutional situation. Both the website and the content are subject to change at any time without notice. Although we endeavor to ensure that the website and the content are current and accurate, it may contain errors. We do not represent that the website or the content is current, accurate or complete, or appropriate for your specific requirements. Teleios, Inc. does not accept any liability from any person or institution for the website or the content (or the use of such content) we provide. This website disclaimer overrides any disclaimer on Teleios teaching videos.

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