
Dating habits of young Christians

Dating habits of young Christians.

Teleios conducted a survey about Christian dating habits. We evaluated beliefs about the biblical purpose of marriage an God’s will marriage.

Christian Dating Habits Survey Summary

Teleios Research recently surveyed adolescents and millennials to evaluate dating attitudes and beliefs about the biblical purpose of marriage. The survey received 1,818 responses. Of these responses, the majority of participants were 35 or younger (93%), nonmarried (91%), female (75%), evangelical Christians (83%) from the United States (51%) and Europe (15%).

A majority of participants (69%) said the primary biblical purpose of marriage is to represent the relationship between Christ and the church while 42% noted it is for love between a man and a woman. Other participants selected producing children (14%) and to continue the human race and/or populate the world (14%).

Further, the majority of participants (74%) believed that marrying an unbeliever is not likely to fulfill God’s will in marriage. Accordingly, 35% stated that when one partner is not practicing their faith the relationship cannot demonstrate the union between Christ and the church. In contrast, 30% stated that it was possible for a marriage to an unbeliever to fulfill God’s will and that the more mature Christian partner could influence the unbelieving partner. Half of the participants (50%) stated they had never dated an unbeliever; and half (51%) indicated they believe a Christian should never become romantically involved with an unbeliever.

The majority of respondents (66%) who had dated a non-Christian said that their romantic relationship had been somewhat to very negative. Further, 25% indicated their own faith became worse in a romantic relationship with an unbeliever. In contrast, 40% of participants claimed their partner’s faith did not improve during the relationship, while only 5% stated that their companion became a Christian by faith in Christ. Further, a vast majority would not recommend Christians become romantically involved with an unbeliever (74%).

Dr. William C. Stewart, co-founder of Teleios, commented “The love, devotion, and deference between a believing husband and wife reflects the loving relationship between Christ and His church. The primary goal of Christian marriage is to attract unbelievers to the gospel. This is not possible by dating or marrying an unbeliever. Such relationships result in a negative, or at a minimum an unfulfilling, outcome. Christians should marry Christians!”

This survey indicates that evangelical adolescents and millennials generally believe a biblically based marriage is between a Christian man and woman which then may fulfill God’s will of the evangelical purpose of marriage as described by scripture (Ephesians 5:21-33). They also view a romantic relationship with an unbeliever as unfulfilling and do not recommend it to others.



Teleios’ recent survey evaluated Christians’ dating habits. There were 1,818 responses. Below are explanations to questions of biblical importance. 

COMMENT – Scripture provides the clear, sure pathway! It states an adverse relationship with God may be corrected by admitting our need for forgiveness, recognizing that Christ died on the cross for all our wrongdoings so we could receive forgiveness. We receive this forgiveness by simply asking God in faith to forgive us and correct our relationship with Him.

  • Salvation is by faith alone (Ephesians 2:8-9; Romans 3:19-26).
  • Salvation is secure (1 Peter 1:4-5; John 10:27-30; Romans 8:28-35).
  • When we believe, we are irrevocably changed into new people by the Holy Spirit who regenerates us. That change cannot be undone, no matter what! (2 Corinthians 5:17).
  • We are sealed by the Spirit until Christ comes again (Ephesians 1:13-14).

COMMENT – The Bible describes the main purpose of Christian marriage as demonstrating to society the relationship between Christ and His church (Ephesians 5: 21-33). Stated another way, it is a primarily an evangelical tool!

  • God’s goals – God’s plans are greater than our own and His plan is to sum up all history in Christ (Ephesians 1:10-11). Consequently, viewing marriage and its purpose within the overall goal of God’s plans is important and appropriate. God wants all people to come to know Him and so marriage is primarily evangelical as we demonstrate Christ’s loving relationship to the church.
  • Importance to us – Considering marriage as a witness to society is also vital to our own marriage relationships as it reminds us that we were married for God’s purposes and not primarily for our own desires such as: sex, a wonderful marriage ceremony, and having children (as wonderful as they are).
  • Defines the relationship – Knowing that the purpose of marriage is to reflect Christ and the church reminds us that we primarily serve our spouse. Otherwise, we leave our prior families and our new priorities are clearly for our beloved marriage partner and God (Ephesians 5:31-32) before extended family members or those outside the family.

COMMENT – Marriage is a wonderful institution, ordained by God, which provides marvelous benefits to the church, society and individuals. However, it at its highest purpose is an evangelical tool that God uses to attract people to the gospel. How then does marriage reflect the relationship between Christ and the church?

  • The love between a man and a woman reflects the love that Christ has for His church.
  • The love of the husband, and his complete devotion to his wife, reflects the love and devotion of Christ to the church.
  • The submission of the wife for the husband reflects the submission of the church to Christ.
  • This combination of order, love and devotion should provide a productive, caring image to society of what Christ does for the church.

You can find the complete data for this survey here

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