

Greek Bible study

Learn the Bible in its original language and uncover greater knowledge about God.


We will arrange for a mentor to teach you Greek while studying the scriptures in a free, personal Bible study.


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The goal of this survey is to assess your eligibility to participate in a personalized Bible study instruction program. Please answer the following questions. An administrator will contact you if you are eligible to participate in a personalized Bible study instruction program.

After this, please provide the following information so we may contact you to let you know you have qualified.

Disclaimer: Participating in a Teleios arranged Bible study does not imply a relationship between Teleios and the student for any future activities, employment or payment. The Bible study relationship is only between the teacher and the student and not with Teleios. Teleios is not responsible for what instructors teach or any perceived results from their teaching. Each student is responsible themselves to pursue God as well as learn and test scripture. Each party is free to discontinue the study at any time. Completion of the program does not guarantee any level of biblical knowledge, future employment as a missionary or pastor, or extend credit from an accredited school.


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