

What we did

Teleios Research surveyed the frequency and methods used of generally younger Christians in sharing the gospel. The survey was promoted on Christian Instagram accounts frequented by adolescents and millennials.


What we found

Question – How often do you share the gospel?

  • 69% of participants noted they verbalize the gospel message to an unbeliever a few times per year to a few times per month.
  • 16% said they verbalize the gospel message as frequently as a few times a week to every day.

However, 64% indicated they did not fear verbalizing the gospel to unbelievers.

Apart from fear, others indicated they rarely shared they because they could not:

  • Answer objections (46%)
  • Explain the gospel (38%)


What it means

This survey suggests that young evangelicals:

  • Recognize the importance of communicating the gospel message
  • May hesitate to share because of fear or not knowing what to say
  • Substitute potentially less clear, or partial explanations, of the gospel with techniques such as a social media post, being loving or prayer.

However, the way they tell others the gospel rarely involves verbalizing the plan of salvation but includes more messaging through lifestyle and encouragement.

If you are unsure how to share the gospel, here it is!

The Bible tells us to be prepared and then about actively sharing the gospel in several key verses. Learn this and it will help you lead others to Christ:

    • Man sinned
    • God is just, requiring a punishment for sin
    • But out of love God sent His Son, Jesus Christ who by dying on the cross, provided forgiveness of sins in taking man’s deserved punishment
    • Therefore, in accepting, by faith alone, Christ’s gracious sacrifice for forgiveness of sins, man can gain eternal life

This video demonstrates sharing the gospel with a nonbeliever.

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