
Our sure positions in Christ – Part 1

Last week we discussed Christ’s glorious resurrection. We now begin an important conversation about our sure positions in Christ!

After we come to our salvation by faith alone, we are not simply then labeled a Christian, there is so much more. Our precious salvation gains us several wonderful irreversible morphologic and legal positions in our standing before God. These positions are linked also to our eternal security which is discussed in detail at ‘Our great salvation’. At our salvation through faith in Christ’s death for us we are positioned spiritually with God in four main ways:

God’s possession 

The wonderful story of our being the possession of God starts in Exodus 19:5-6 when our Father told the redeemed Israelites that He intended them to be a kingdom of priests, a holy nation and His peculiar possession. However, they failed in their commitment to God and sinned against Him. Therefore, they did not become a kingdom of priests or a holy nation. However, God will keep His promise to Israel – that the nation will be His eternal possession (Psalm 89, and 132:11-17Romans 11:26-29).

The sin of Israel under the Mosaic law showed us our need for Christ (Galatians 3:24). He has come and died for our sins, that through Him those who believe on his death for their sins will gain eternal life. As believers, God also redeemed us (purchasing us at the cross) has enabled us to become a kingdom of priests, a holy nation and His peculiar possession (1 Peter 2:9).

How does God accomplish this?

  • The Spirit’s sealing – We are marked as His possession at salvation and the Holy Spirit is given to us (Ephesians 1:13-14Romans 8:9). This is a great promise and is a part of the results of our belief to salvation by faith alone in Christ’s substitutionary work on the cross (Ephesians 2:8-9).
    • Seals were used in the ancient world as a legal means to close a document. If a king had given a new order, molten wax might be poured on the document to seal it and the king’s signet ring pressed into the wax. The king’s symbol in the wax would tell the carrier or the recipient that the contents of the document were the king’s will and breaking the seal inappropriately or ignoring the order was done at a person’s own peril (1).
    • We are sealed by our King and it reflects the same legal and unbreakable character as ancient law. Further, the Spirit seals us throughout our whole life on earth as God’s own possession, until we go to heaven. Importantly, all those who believe by grace in Christ’s forgiveness on the cross are Christians and possess the Spirit and the seal (Ephesians 1:13-14Romans 8:9).
  • His workmanship – We are also remade in His image (Ephesians 2:10) as a new work. Please see just below under Baptism for further detail.

Spiritual baptism

This important biblical truth is vital in understanding who we are as Christians. First, let’s consider the word itself. Although controversial, in the Epistles when baptism is mentioned it speaks of spiritual baptism. Water baptism might be considered as an external ritual to signify the internal event. The word is βαπτιζω (baptizoo) in the Greek (the original language of the New Testament), and was an old term borrowed from the dye trade. It meant that a piece of cloth immersed in the dye became ‘identified’ with the new color (2).

Second, how is being ‘identified’ with Christ associated with being a Christian? Fortunately, a lot! When we believe at salvation we are identified with Christ’s gracious death and His resurrection. At this time, our old self died and was buried with Christ. We are raised now to new life with Him and God views us as sitting with Him at His right hand (Romans 6:2-12Ephesians 2:4-7Colossians 2:12-13).

Similar concepts in scripture that also appear to speak probably to spiritual baptism are: regeneration (Titus 3:5), born again (John 3:5) and new man (Ephesians 4:24Colossians 3:10). Why is this concept so important?

  • Believer’s sin – Although every believer sins, we can say ‘no’ to sin because as a new person in Christ we have the power to live a victorious life.
  • The reason for the resurrection – Baptism teaches us the importance of the resurrection because we are raised with Christ to new life without which we would still be dead in our sins (1 Corinthians 15:17).
  • Eternal security – Baptism helps us know we cannot lose our salvation because scripture does not indicate that if we commit a sin our new self can be killed and the old dead self- resurrected!

In other words, we are transformed permanently to a new life, resurrected with Christ and are free to serve Him. We cannot be defeated by the misdeeds of our old self. These changes cannot be reversed. What a great comfort we have in the truth of scripture.

Please listen next week as we continue this conversation about our sure positions in Christ and cover the final two positions.

  1. https://www.biblestudytools.com/encyclopedias/isbe/seal.html
  2. https://www.westernseminary.edu/transformedblog/2014/02/25/baptisim-meaning-and-mode/


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