
What People Are Saying

People are talking about Teleios

My experience with Teleios has meant a world of change to me. The way I see the world and the way I see every aspect of my life has changed. The old me was not very godly, but I know I am forgiven of my sins, which gives the new me opportunity for healing and healing for those I have harmed.

Jay – Student

When I first became a follower of Christ, I was given the honor to be introduced to Teleios and the opportunity to participate on a one-on-one bible study. Since that time, I have grown considerably in my knowledge of faith, understanding of scripture and have obtained the wisdom to apply the word correctly. I am appreciative of Teleios and encourage all visitors to take advantage of the resources on this site.

Rem – Student

Please spend some time on Teleios’ awesome website! This foundation, established by Dr. Bill Stewart and his wife Jeanette, is faithfully standing in the gap for believers by providing current evidence of the truth of scripture. See why using your freedom of speech to talk about Christ is important, and gain new tools to help you guard those critical truths.

Rande Spiegelman – CPA, CFP®, Vice President of Financial Planning Emeritus, Schwab Center for Financial Research – San Francisco, CA

I’ve been blessed by working with the Teleios team and I should say they’re not only hard workers providing great scientific information to spread Gods truth, but they are also an example of how it is supposed to be in a Christian’s heart. I hope people appreciate, take all this great resources and use them so we all can tell the world about God’s love and how lives can be changed for good.

Jose Erazo P. – Business Professional – Quito, Ecuador

I’ve been personally encouraged by the extent of research which Teleios has gathered that shows the benefit of biblical Christianity to a person’s wellbeing and its application to daily life. The information on the website is presented clearly and succinctly… so easy for a reader to absorb, whether in large or small pieces. I thank God for Teleios’ work using the scientific method to demonstrate God’s truth in the Bible. I look forward to learning more from Teleios as additional new insights are explored and presented.

William Burns – CEO, Encore Vision, Inc. – Fort Worth, TX

The Bible says that personal godliness of character holds promise for all things, both in the life to come and also in this life here and now (1 Timothy 4:8). Teleios seeks to creatively contribute to the defense and propagation of the Christian faith through conducting and publishing scientific studies that test the validity of this here-and-now Biblical claim.

Carlton Meredith, III – President, Biblical Seminary of Brussels

I believe Teleios Research is at the cutting edge of exploring the intersection of wellness and faith. Through its academic research, its excellent infographics and popular articles, more and more are realizing that adhering to the precepts found in the Bible really works! There is clear evidence – and I would add science-based evidence – that following the lifestyle commended in the Bible leads to greater physical health and wellbeing. Other researchers are finding the same results, but no one does this with the same excellence and spiritual depth as Teleios.

Rod MacIlvaine, DMin – Senior Pastor, Grace Community Church – Bartlesville, OK

I am grateful for the work of the Teleios Foundation, as their research provides unique insights into the linkage between health and faith. I highly recommend their studies to all who are dedicated to improving their lives and the well-being of others.

Dr. Mitch Glaser – President, Chosen People Ministries – New York, NY

I have been privileged to be a part of Teleios Research which has encouraged me to be more comfortable in joining the roles of subspecialty glaucoma practice and my Christian faith. In the realm of a referral glaucoma practice, I see many patients who clearly rely on their strong beliefs to help them cope with a potentially devastating and life long disease. They often witness their faith to me. The Teleios articles have been invaluable in providing guidance to me to be bold in expressing to patients how I also rely on God to help me provide the best care for each patient. It is so very important to continue this research involving faith and medicine in a scientific manner to provide support for the Christian medical community.

Dr. Elizabeth D. Sharpe – Glaucoma Consultants and Center for Eye Research – Mt. Pleasant, SC

Teleios is a Christ-centered, Bible-based foundation that uniquely brings together biblical truth and scientific research for greater local church health and effectiveness.

D. Scott Barfoot, ThM, PhD – Director, Doctor of Ministry Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary – Dallas, TX

Teleios Research gives a broader way of looking at Christianity because it places biblical teaching alongside scientific research. It is amazing how God is in all things including science. Thank you Teleios for showing me that my faith can be strengthened by studying the word of God and proving it through science.

Suzy Kopp – business professional – Mount Pleasant, SC; Teleios Board Member

What a NEAT website! I love the work you’re doing. I have added your website to my home screen! Very cool! Will RT OFTEN!! I mean… I was astonished at the research you’ve done! Such a blessing!! Keep up the GREAT SERVICE for the #KINGDOM!

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